Category: Family


Keep Your Child Safe With Smart Watches for Kids

Have You Ever Lost Your Child? Last week, I flew to Denver to meet up with one of my oldest friends and past business partner to talk about a new idea of his. Since I love to travel, I jumped at the chance to visit Colorado. On Saturday, we took a break from working to visit Red Rock Park and Amphitheater along with every other person and family in the city, it seemed. Groups of children were running everywhere, bounding up steps and dodging parents. When I wasn’t admiring the mountains, all I could think was “What if one of these kids...


Smart Baby Nurseries – Technology for New Mothers

The road to motherhood is lined with baby books. From the famed What to Expect When You’re Expecting to the tongue-in-cheek Your Baby’s First Year For Dummies, there is no shortage of information telling new parents what to do with that bundle of wailing, pooping joy they just brought into the world. Add in old wives’ tales, relatives’ advice, and the almighty Google, and any new mom will feel overwhelmed in deciding what is “right”, from sleeping and feeding schedules to baby food and diaper brands. Especially early on, the questions abound. What position should my baby sleep in? For...